poem 1

Nighttime Breakdowns As day turns to night everything goes quiet It’s as if the world may end Tears stream down my eyes but I don’t want to start a riot So I sit on the bathroom floor without a friend I bite my tongue to stay silent But that seems to make things feel even…

Freshman move-in: what to bring (not obvious)

Move-in day is just around the corner for some of us. While the coronavirus might get in the way of your perfect first year of college, many students will still be dorming. It can be stressful packing for such a big move. Thinking about what you should bring and what you should leave behind is…

Summer 2020: What to do when bored?

Summer 2020 is going to be like no other. We are living in a time that will most definitely be in history books in the future. Life has taken a complete turn and we are experiencing changes that are very new to most of us. With everything that’s going on, it’s easy to get bored…

How to be active in bettering the environment!!!

With the current global crisis that we are facing, many people begin to question how they can make a change. Lots of people think that one person can’t make a difference so why should they try right? Wrong! When one person gets involved others naturally follow. And when you get this group of people who…

feeling a little lonely

Do you ever feel like everyone around is having more fun than you? Or maybe like all of your friends don’t seem like your friends anymore? Possibly it seems like every person you know is in a relationship now? Well, if that’s your case, then I’m totally with you. Recently, I have gone away to…

A new adventure: Moving into a dorm + advice

I feel like this is a milestone in my life, so why not document it for the blog right?! Here we go, this year, I am a freshman in college. It feels so weird to even write that out because I honestly do not feel like a college student. I almost feel like I’m dreaming…

the birthday blues

Today I turned 18. Growing up, when I thought of my 18th birthday, I thought of some awesome day with my family and friends celebrating my entrance into adulthood. There’s a lot more that I can do now that I’m 18: I can vote, I can buy scratchers, I can buy nicotine products (that will…

baby’s first music festival

Put your hands in the air and wave em’ like you just don’t care, because this chick just went to her very first music festival. Yes, you heard me right, yo girl is no longer a music festival virgin. Just yesterday, I attended the KROQ Weenie Roast Music Festival with a couple of my girls….

a day-in-the-life with 8 frat boys

This past week my brother came home for his spring break and with him, he brought 7 of his fraternity brothers. It was chaotic, to say the least. Going into it, I was not excited at all. I mean my family is already so big, and when you pack 7 more people in the house…