the birthday blues

Today I turned 18. Growing up, when I thought of my 18th birthday, I thought of some awesome day with my family and friends celebrating my entrance into adulthood. There’s a lot more that I can do now that I’m 18: I can vote, I can buy scratchers, I can buy nicotine products (that will not be happening), I can adopt a child (also not happening anytime soon), join the military, work full time, drive late at night, etc, etc. It seems like a lot is changing in my life as I hit this new mark. But my birthday isn’t at all what I thought it would be.

For one, I don’t have good enough friends to party with. Sure I have friends, but I don’t have friends that would go out of their way to celebrate with me. And ya, I have my family to cheer me one, but it honestly just feels like another normal day. I got my free Starbucks birthday coffee, drove home from the beach, cleaned, watched some Hulu, and that’s basically it. I had a small party with my family yesterday but all we did was spent the day at the beach (which I do all the time) and ate cake. That’s all. And I’m not a big present person so I never ask for anything, but I thought I might get something especially special for my 18th. And I feel like that sounds so selfish, but I just wanted one good thing to happen for me on this day, and it never came. I can barely remember my 7th birthday, but I can guarantee you that it’s been better than today.

Well, there’s my rant. Happy fucking birthday to me right? I will now drown my sorrows in yesterday’s leftover cake.

Theme: birthday

Quote of the blog: “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no alive who is you-er than you!” -Dr. Seuss


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